The upcoming holidays mean it's that time of year when diets go out of the window and we tend to indulge in feasts, sweets and alcohol. Whether it's the free wine at the office party or third helpings of your holiday dinner, your digestive system suffers a little bit more with each treat and your left feeling heavy, bloated and lethargic. So how do you cure that holiday hangover?
It has been suggested that everyone needs to detox at least once a year just to give the body and your mind a thorough cleansing and a new opportunity to stay in tip-top condition. Acai Berries is one of the top suggested detox supplements on the market today and can help with many types of detoxing. Stress, refined sugars, cigarettes, alcohol, fatty foods and coffee can all contribute to the build up of toxins within the body. Most of the time these built up toxins are unavoidable and a detox can do the trick to rid the body of them and clean out systems in order to optimize function. Everyone's body is different, so researching ingredients and detox plans to find the perfect detox for you is incredibly important. Acai berries are one of the most potent natural antioxidants available today and are incredibly ingredient to include in your detox.