Rock On team sets out to lessen the hangover pain of the next day
The Rock On team brought the power of the Rock Out™ Hangover Defense & Recovery shot out for the day most notorious for hangover’s, St. Patrick’s Day. A day more known for alcohol excess then commemorating St. Patrick where some might even start the day with beer on their cereal.
The Rock On team brought the power of the Rock Out™ Hangover Defense & Recovery shot out for the day most notorious for hangover’s, St. Patrick’s Day. A day more known for alcohol excess then commemorating St. Patrick where some might even start the day with beer on their cereal.
This year St. Paddy’s day fell on a weekday which means many had to go to work the next day not feeling so lucky. The Rock On team invited party goers to take the “Rock Out Challenge” by having a “Rock Out” shot before or during drinking. The team did a Southern California bar crawl and stopped into 6 local pubs to spread the good cheer.
You can Rock Out before you go out next time with a 6 pack of Rock Out hangover defense and recovery. See the collection at,
You can Rock Out before you go out next time with a 6 pack of Rock Out hangover defense and recovery. See the collection at,